Hot Spots On Dogs

Hot spots on dogs can be defined as an inflammation or infection of the skin, which is also known as acute moist dermatitis moist dermatitis. There are basically two types of red spots, which are superficial and deep. The problem with hot spots is that first they are so small that no one may be able to recognize him with his eyes open. Therefore, when these small spots go unattended, they become large in a matter of hours. Although the hot spots can occur in all types of dogs, is often seen in canines, which have long hair and warm clothing. Hot spots on dogs who need treatment immediately to avoid complications, it is important to know the details of this skin disease is seen in dogs.

What causes hot spots on dogs?
The hot spots can be triggered for various reasons, but in fact what causes hot spots to become visible in the size of the dog's constant licking and scratching the surface of the skin. One of the most common causes of hot spots on dogs is due to insect or flea bites your dog has a desire to scratch and lick the part of the skin often. For this reason, increasing the bacteria, resulting in this dog health problem. In addition to flea bites and insects, a sort of dog allergies may also be why the problem can lead to hot spots on dogs. Allergies cause hot spots on dogs include inhalants and food allergies that develop due to contact. Hot spots can also be developed from an injury had a small dog waste, plague, etc. Another important factor on the points of hot dogs they develop, usually during the summer, when the climate is hot and humid. The hot spots are common in dogs who engage in constant licking and scratching just because they have nothing else to do. In addition, according to the area where the hot spots, it can also be an indicator of serious problems. For example, if the hot spot is near your ear, it may be because of an ear infection and secondly, where is the anal area can be a symptom of disease of the anal gland. To learn more about fleas on dogs and dog fleas.

What are the symptoms of hot spots on dogs?
Although the hot spots can be seen on any part of the dog's body, they are more commonly seen in areas such as legs, rump, feet and side. In short, places that are easily accessible to lick your mouth and zero. Because it is important to recognize hot spots on dogs as soon as possible, you need to know about the symptoms that your dog is displayed when hit. One of the easiest way for recognition of hot spots on dogs canine is when you stop licking and scratching a certain area of the skin. Another symptom is that you will find dog hair loss losing hair over the area where the infection occurred. Other than that, redness and leakage are also symptoms that may indicate the presence of two hot spots on dogs. To learn more about hair loss dog and allergy symptoms in dogs.

How to deal with hot spots on dogs?
If you notice any symptoms of your pet, it is important to take it to the doctor without much delay. However, there are certain things you can do before you consult your veterinarian. So let's take a look at some home remedies for hot spots on dogs.
The first thing you should do to treat hot spots on dogs is to cut hair in the region have developed red sores. That's because the wounds heal better when hot fresh air, for they shall be free of moisture and remain dry.
Clean the area with a mild cleanser for skin that is available in pet stores or baby shampoo. However, make sure the cleaner is rinsed completely, as if the makeup is gone for an extended period, it can cause irritation as a result of dog.
Take hot water in a large bowl and soak some tea bags in water for several minutes. Remove them from the water after being cooled, place them directly on the site of hot dog. The tannic acid, which is present in black tea bags to help the speedy recovery of the hot spots.
One important thing to remember is that the area where hot spots occurred must be kept dry. It also means that you must prevent your dog from licking the area. To do this, you can bind an Elizabethan collar around the neck of your pet.
These remedies work at home, usually when hot spots are superficial. However, it is difficult to know the nature of the injury by observing hot outside. Therefore, you should take your dog for company doctors, before his condition worsens. Your doctor may give you oral antibiotics, special shampoo, topical sprays and drying to address the problem of hot spots on dogs.
I hope this article has answered any doubts about what are the hot spots on dogs. This condition can be avoided if you find the cause of problème.D other hand, if it is caused because your dog has long hair, then you see that dog grooming is done regularly. Proper maintenance of a healthy dog like cutting the hair of your dog, giving baths and medications, making the control of fleas, etc. help prevent hot spots on dogs to some extent.


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