Dog allergy Symptoms

We humans are not the only ones who are bothered by allergies. Our best friends, dogs also prey to these problems. We show symptoms of allergy when our immune system begins to recognize the allergens as everyday substances that affect our health. It's no different for dogs. It is true that any environment, whether indoors or outdoors, should have several types of allergens, and most animals are not affected by it. However, when he hit the dog, the consequences can be severe. Some allergens make their way into the bodies of animals through ingestion or inhalation. However, there are some that can lead to symptoms of allergy dog simply by coming into contact with skin. It is important to understand what triggers these symptoms. As I mentioned, when the animal's immune system detects an intrusion of allergens in the body, it begins to escape the fight against substances. Although the system is so, the body undergoes a variety of allergy symptoms can be associated with skin, respiratory and digestive system of the body. So why all the symptoms can resurface? I know the rest of this article.

Dog allergy symptoms

Depending on the types of allergens that affect dogs, allergy symptoms in dogs can be of different types. The list below gives the general note that more often than not.
Dog scabs visible skin allergy symptoms of the skin remains moist and red. Itching is also common.
Symptom of watery eyes, too, is a major allergy symptoms in dogs, and therefore the increase in cases of scratches.
Especially if you look at the symptoms of dog flea allergy, and one that needs to be looked out for severe itching or a rear base of the tail. In most cases, you might see your pet back or tail biting.
Ear infections are common symptoms of skin allergy in dogs, it is an ear that itches.
Sneezing, vomiting, digestive disorders such as diarrhea, swollen feet, constant licking, also symptoms of dog allergies and signs to be played.
animal allergens can cause swelling of the neck, which may manifest as abnormality of snoring.
If you notice hair loss, scabs or crusts on the skin, then you can suspect a secondary bacterial infection or yeast in your pet.
Many owners remain skeptical about the dog food allergies. Experts say that, yes, I can. In fact, this problem is the third most common type of dog allergies. Foods like eggs, chicken, fish, meat, soy products potatoes, etc., are common elements that give rise to symptoms of food allergy. Common symptoms of food allergies and signs include itching, severe dog, who may be accompanied by a rash that appears behind the ears, back of legs, lower body and legs. red bumps, pustules and plaques of raised skin are also common.

What triggers allergies?

An important step in preventing or treating these symptoms is to be aware of organizations that act as allergens to animals. They are as follows:
mold spores, dander, feathers and cigarette smoke, even
Substances such as trees, grass, pollen, etc.
different food products, as mentioned above.
flea infestation.
Cleaning products, some shampoos, perfumes, or materials used in the house.
Dog allergy symptoms treatment

Prevention is known for being the best treatment for dog allergies. If the cause is an infestation of fleas, then prepare to start a flea infestation, even before the season starts. Clean pet bedding weekly and vacuuming his home and takes care of your house dust. Itching and bathed once a week is recommended. In some cases it may be necessary to resort to using medications prescribed by your vet to treat the symptoms of allergy dog. For example, the products against fleas, the strength of order can be enforced, allergy injections to build immunity against allergens from the atmosphere, and shampoos may reduce itching. If you want to know about some home remedies for dog allergies, then this link would be good bill.

dog allergy symptoms mentioned above can make life miserable for your pet, if not treated in time. They become even worse when it starts to interfere with the respiratory system of the animal, and feed him. So, the slightest suspicion of any of these symptoms, to make way for veterinarians and solve the problem while it is still easy.


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