Dog Food Allergy Symptoms

Food allergies are a common medical conditions in humans. The same applies to dogs too. Studies show that about 10% of dog allergies are caused by food. It is better for dog owners to obtain some knowledge about the symptoms of food allergy dog is different from food intolerances. In the case of food intolerance or the body does not digest certain foods, which causes symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms are caused by food intolerance typical allergic reactions, but some dogs may show symptoms allergies to food intolerances too. These dogs have skin problems, hair loss, etc. But the symptoms of food allergy dog may be more disturbing and uncomfortable and difficult to diagnose. This article suggests some common symptoms of food allergies dog.

Dog food allergies

You may not be able to identify the cause of the symptoms exhibited by your dog, because of food allergies. Although there is a wide range of dog allergy symptoms can sometimes vary from one dog to another and the type of food, some symptoms are found to be common to a number of diseases dog. Thus, the diagnosis of dog food allergy symptoms can be difficult because we must exclude the possibility of several other health problems in dogs, before focusing on the symptoms of food allergy. Once you've reached the conclusion that symptoms are caused by food allergies, you should find particular food ingredient that is causing the symptoms.

It was noted that allergic reactions are often to be caused by foods that are eaten by the dog at least two years or more. However, allergic reactions can also develop shortly after eating a new food introduced, but in most cases, these symptoms are caused by food that has been well tolerated by dogs. Now let's take a look at common symptoms dog food allergy.

Dog food allergy symptoms

As mentioned above, symptoms of dog food allergy are numerous and can vary from one dog to another. However, there are some symptoms that are common in cases of food allergies in dogs. The following is a list of symptoms include skin reactions, gastrointestinal problems and even changes in behavior.
Excessive scratching of the skin
Chewing feet, legs, feet and tail because of itching
Rash, urticaria and skin hot spots
recurrent skin and ear infections
Dry, scaly skin with hair loss and sores
constant shaking his head and rubbing his face
Severe, frequent vomiting and persistent diarrhea and
Sneezing, wheezing, cough, seizures and asthma symptoms
behavioral changes such as hyperactivity or aggression
Eye irritation with swelling and ocular discharge
They were dog food allergy symptoms. There are certain foods that are commonly found to cause allergies in dogs. These include wheat, corn, meat products (chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc.), yeast, eggs, dairy, whey, etc. Most people confuse the symptoms of problems dog food skin allergy caused by dog ticks or fleas. Once the possibilities of other health problems such as scabies, are excluded and the presence of dog food allergy is diagnosed, the dog can administer medications such as antihistamines, which can sometimes fail to solve the state. The best way out is to note that some foods that cause allergies and dog food completely exclude it from feeding your pet.


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