Basic Information About Dog Skin Allergies

Human skin is very sensitive, especially to allergens and irritants. But the sensitivity is not only the skin in humans. Dogs have allergies, although it might not be familiar to many, dog allergies can be caused by several different factors in the vicinity. For people to learn about the environmental threat that can bring their dogs, here are some basic information on allergies dog skin.

Dogs have many types of allergies, both classified by the allergens that cause them. These types include contact allergy, food allergies, allergies, and allergies to fleas. These dogs are very big problems because they cause discomfort and itching incessantly. Whatever the type of allergy is, what some OSA is it itchy on a dog's body OSA.

When a dog comes into contact with an allergen skin OSA is developing contact allergies. Some environmental allergens include grass carpet, dust, plants and toxic chemicals. When a dog is not exposed to such material is more likely to have an allergic reaction when it comes into contact with it. Dog skin OSA may become very swollen and itchy.

It can be easily triggered allergy is a food allergy, which can be caused by almost any substance. This is one reason for veterinary advice always Feeding Dogs Dog Food. Some dog food allergens include soy, wheat, yeast, and beef. A dog that experiences food allergies and digestive disorders exhibits severe itching.

For dogs who live in urban areas where much of the pollution is currently the biggest threat to their health than allergy to inhalants. Smog, smoke, smoke from fires and there are allergens that can trigger allergic reactions in dogs. But as odoriferous substances, dust, pollen and flowers and plants are also very bad for dogs allergens.

The most common allergy is caused by fleas. Even if it is in fact a contact allergy, flea bites has become a very popular allergen, which was classified by itself. What causes allergic reactions is that the saliva of fleas left on the skin of dogs. When a dog feels his skin reaction, he scratches and licks, aggravation of skin problems.

Whatever the cause of allergy is everywhere allergen may be seized and put in place, if the allergy causes itching and swelling of the skin, the condition develops into what is now known as allergic dermatitis. It is a form of main complication of allergic reaction. A senior dog chews, licks, and scratches on the affected area of skin to swell and turn red. Allergic contact dermatitis is a very difficult problem to cure. In fact, there may be even a dog, leather OSA lifetime.

Dogs can be animals, but also the sensitivity to specific objects and substances. This is why dog owners should not take their pet dog for themselves or think they are a bit bionic dogs. If AORE owner of a dog, you must provide the needs and desires for your pet so he can develop problems like these.

Jennifer is a company expert on the health of animals that specializes in skin problems of dogs.

Dog Skin Problems Why Do They Appear

Dogs are fantastic animals. They are affectionate, energetic and very sociable. Most women love children and small dogs, fur, while fathers and people like to play with the big dog, muscular. As family members, dogs also receive care and attention of their owners. A dog needs love and care especially when the dog has skin problems.

No matter how you tend to the dog and its needs, there are moments that are still developing skin diseases and allergies. These problems are especially for dogs that like to play and explore. Allergies and skin disorders may be caused by several things, including grass, the air particles, dust mites, mold spores, carpets, blankets, food, and other plants.

There could be many skin diseases that can affect a dog, but the most common symptom that is seen in each of them is the itch. Notice the dog keeps itching. That may be developing a rash or allergies that can turn into a skin condition worse. There are several types of skin problems for dogs, and some of them will be discussed later.

The most common form of skin diseases are allergic to dogs. flea is the most common cause of allergies. Fleas are small parasitic insects that suck the blood of other creatures great and they leave behind traces of saliva on the skin when it bites. The bite itself does not cause allergies, rather, the response of the skin to the saliva of fleas. Once an allergy occurs, the dog to scratch the affected area and it is continuous if the skin problem develops.

There are also other types of allergies such as allergic contact dermatitis is caused by contact with objects such as plants, grass, and toxic chemicals. Food allergies can be acquired from dog food and dog treats made from soybeans, wheat, grass, or beef. allergies are airborne and can be developed to inhaled pollen, smoke and odor. Keep scratching and licking the dog allergic dermatitis allergic soon.

When a dog itches it off, scratching, licking and chewing the area that itches. Doing so can cause problems on several occasions called allergic dermatitis skin. This skin disease can be very painful and itchy for a dog, and can last a lifetime. The condition may be accompanied by a bad smell called seborrhea, resulting overproduction of sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Hotspots are also a common problem dog's skin. It is also called acute moist dermatitis, characterized by infection of the skin. Any disease of the skin may develop hot spots, but this happens only once scratching and gnawing wounds infected by bacteria.

These problems are diseases of the skin most common in dogs. Sometimes it can be difficult to diagnose these problems, it is important for dog owners to observe their skin health of dogs. Find a cure for these diseases of the skin can be a difficult thing to do, but there are solutions that skin care DERMagic narural for animals that may be useful in these cases.

Jennifer is a company expert on the health of animals that specializes in skin problems of dogs.

Allergies In Dogs Our Pets Suffer From Summer Allergies Too

Most pet owners know how heart-breaking and it can be frustrating to watch the dog bite, chewing or scratching due to itching of seasonal allergies. Summer is the worst season of the year for their dogs with pollen allergies, itching, bug bites various reactions such as fleas, hot spots and allergic reactions, even on grass. This guide will explain how you can learn to recognize early signs of skin disease and how it can be treated before it deteriorates and becomes very serious.

Flea. Grass fungus. grass seed and pollen. Ants. Mosquitoes. Bees. Scabies and mange mites. Ticks. Bits and things tricky. Cuts and scrapes. Here are some things that our pets can be affected by the fact that we do not even know. Did you know that pollen grains are covered with sharp spines currently seeking? Once these granules work their beaches so dog walking, they will drive your dog crazy with all the tingling and itching they cause. Allergic reactions can also result, if your dog, these grains are inhaled. There are so many things that can go wrong.

In most cases you will never see the true cause of all the itching, scratching and chewing. However, it is important to know the warning signs that can alert you to a very serious skin disease at work in your pet.

You should always try to find out what happens when you notice your dog scratching. Look at the scratched area that he and the surrounding area for clues. Sometimes it's just something very light like his neck causing him to scratch, but could also be the beginning of a serious allergic reaction. Dog nails can easily open the protective barrier of the skin when it scratches, which allows for infection and spread. You need to know what causes this behavior and stop it. Prevention is the most effective treatment, but if something happens, the sooner you realize the cause, the better. Here is a list of things you can do yourself to check the health of the dog.

The first thing you should do is check your dog's belly. Dog roll over and starts checking the area behind the dog's legs join his body and genitals. According to the coloring of the dog, the skin in this area should be almost entirely white. The skin here should be very clean and healthy, and sometimes a little pink. Check the share of each leg for hot spots or irritations that may be developing. Now return to your dog and check the back-end close to the tail, moving forward while you comb the hair from side to check the health of your dog's skin under the hair. These are things to watch in your check-up:

- Beware of brown spots, red or rust colored. These points should be flat against the skin, but it might look like small black dots or perforations. It could even just make the skin look a little dirty. These points will, usually in the groin near the genital area. If you see these spots may have a problem.

- Beware of large black spots that look like poppy seeds or pieces of pepper. If you see this is the chances are small spots that signal the presence of fleas. Known as the chip "dirt", these specifications are to excess blood from your dog, which was consumed by adult fleas and then to the feces of fleas. If you are not sure what these spots are, take a number of pieces and place on paper towel that is slightly damp. If you can identify that these patches are actually red, your dog definitely has fleas, and you must immediately begin the hard work of removing fleas from your dog and your home.

- Beware of cases of "puppy films. If you see any scaling or hardness in the dog's back is a warning system of this type of skin disease. If your dog's skin was healthy, he would be the excess flakes. If you can not solve the problem effectively, it also reduces the amount of hair in your house.

- Beware of raw patches, red spots or other skin rashes. These conditions are extremely irritating to animals and, in most cases much worse.

- Beware of bare spots or hairs. The back of your dog's tail, could see a few flakes of the crust and thinning hair may not be obvious, especially if your dog is not treated very often. If there are bare patches of skin present on the side of your dog, you should take him to the vet immediately because this could signal a very serious disease called alopecia bilaterally.

- Beware of scabs, scratches or other injuries. It is important to treat an infection potentially as early as possible to prevent them from becoming serious.

These are some tips to help you prevent problems from occurring:

- Keep the chips is a big topic and it seems that there is much advice on how to prevent flea infestations. While it is important to keep your dog and your house without the chips, it is even more important to do this as natural and as safe as possible. Many treatments on the market today such as necklaces and aerosols, contain toxins that can cause serious side effects and conditions. Unfortunately, even many so-called natural flea treatments can have adverse consequences. Many experts have debated the effectiveness of diatomaceous earth, yeast, garlic and pyrethrins as an alternative safe treatments for dogs, but you must remember that every dog reacts differently. The best thing is to inform and read about each treatment and make an informed decision about what plan is best for your pet and your home. A topical rub consisting of lily of the desert, which can be purchased at GNC stores, certified organic aloe vera and rosemary essential oil, will help both prevent and treat flea infestations. It is important to note, however, that if you have a major infestation that there is no cure quickly and easily.

- Learn more about understanding and treatment of hot spots will help, but there's really no way to prevent them. A number of different things can cause hot spots just out of nowhere. This condition must be treated immediately to prevent bacterial infection from starting. The area around the hot spot should remain dry while he heals, which means that you must stop your dog lick it. You can get rid of hot spots in only a day or two using a solution called DERMagic Hot Spot Lotion, which contains the essential oil of rosemary, vitamin E florets of sulfur, and organic aloe vera gel. The ingredients of this solution will help increase the cure, stop itching and cure or prevent bacterial or fungal infection from starting or spreading. You should not use a treatment with steroids like prednisone or cortisone, because these medications can compromise the immune system of your dog and cause more problems.

- Dust mites can cause significant damage and infections seen and widely known as scab and conditions. It can be very difficult to diagnose these conditions and very difficult to treat and unfortunately, these conditions have the potential to be fatal. Veterinarians prefer to use steroids as a way to reduce inflammation caused by mites, often using prednisone to treat the condition. Unfortunately, as noted in the case of hot spots, steroids weaken the dog's immune system and aggravate the disease. It is essential that you keep your dog's immune system is functioning properly by an active lifestyle, a happy home and healthy eating as a way to prevent invasive mites or mites. Any treatment or situation that could compromise the immune system to allow your dog mites dig deeper and increasingly their attacks on the dog beneath the skin.

- Allergies are caused by a reaction to what is known as a "allergen." The best way to treat allergies is to eliminate whatever is causing the allergic reaction at home or the environment. Unfortunately, many allergic reactions will also frustrate the dog's immune system, in the sense that he would be protected from bacteria, yeast or fungal infection of the skin so that a minor should be treated immediately to get rid of the infection before it gets worse. Again, it is important to note that the steroids cortisone and other symptoms will heal and potentially further compromise the immune system without treatment of actual infection.

If your dog has a skin problem should make sure it gets treated immediately to avoid becoming much worse. Even when choosing a product that is designated as "natural," you must always be careful. Products with "natural" label are not regulated by the FDA, so that something could really be this product. Be sure to choose products that are labeled "certified organic", and never buy products that have chemicals listed in their ingredients. Always read the label. If you are unsure about the ingredients, go online and learn more about them and consider all possible side effects before using them.

5 Tips To Help Dogs With Itchy Skin

itchy dogs, usually when they got fleas. But sometimes it can not be the case. Even after searching for a long time, you can not find all the chips inside your dog's hair. Under these conditions, food allergies or hay fever may be the real reason. To resolve this problem, here are some tips:

• A cold bath
For immediate relief, but temporary itching, you can bathe your dog with cool water. A cold bath can relieve the dog a few hours to several days, but you must make certain drugs if the problem still exists.

• correct Over-the-counter
If you can not find any fleas on your dog itching, hay fever can cause itching such. It can be cured by treatment with antihistamines such as diphenhydramine. A precise dose will certainly solve that problem, but should consult a veterinarian before giving any medication to your dog.

• An oatmeal bath
Itching can be solved in a natural way. If you can not find a chip, but the meeting continued itching dog, then wash it with oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal cleanser is mixed in water.

You can buy Aveeno is a popular colloidal oatmeal that you can use. If you do not get colloidal oatmeal, rolled oats, then regualar use by tieing it in an old sock, so that water can pass through.

• Moisturizer
Using moisturizer such as Alpha-Keri oil, you can relive your dog relieve itching. For maximum effectiveness, you can use as a rinse after a bath or diluted in bath water, too.

Even a spoonful of oil Alpha-Keri per gallon of water will be sufficient. You can also use it as a spray for your dog to solve this problem.

Supplements • Pets
There are different brands of dog food on the market that allows a dog with itching.

The supply of good quality dog food that Fromm dog food, dog food Wafcol James Well food for beloved dog, etc. itching can solve their problem. AGE linoleic may help relieve itching of the skin and make their eyes shine and adding to their coverage.

A Look At Natural Dog Allergy Medication

Many people in today's society are very proud to say that pet owners. There are so many pet owners who discover that their pet seems to be itching a whole lot more than other animals. These people have seen many products advertised, but they do not know how to effectively help their pet. This article will explain why so many people prefer organic dog allergy medication.

It is therefore very important to remember that if someone is itching to fight against their pets, they need to be able to identify the origin of said first and itching. More often than not, dogs and cats with severe itching of skin allergies. The most common form of what is called dermatitis, is very common in domestic animals.

There are many people who can not bear to see an animal that you care about in a constant state of unease. It is also important to remember that discomfort is not the only negative side effect of itching. The itching may cause an animal to attack the point that irritated "hot spots" are generated. These hot spots have been known to easily develop infections.

Many people are looking for a product that works, but you do not know what type of product is best for animals. There are so many products that use too many harsh chemicals and these chemicals can actually do more harm irritation. There are products that are largely made from natural ingredients.

People who apply to these products of animal origin must keep their skin covered for several reasons. The first reason is that there is never a good idea to allow an animal to lick such a solution on the surface of their skin. Another reason has to do with the fact that these products should remain on the skin effectively at work. Place an old shirt on the dog might keep them properly covered.

There are people who own a large dog as a pet, and therefore, they are very careful to make sure their pet lives outside. While people should not feel obliged to keep their animals indoors, it is important to note that being outside the animal exhibit the highest level of allergens. This is why many people keep their pets indoors.

Do not make the mistake of believing that any type of product that people use a shampoo can be applied to a pet! This is because people have a different PH balance in their skin than most animals do. Some products may irritate people actually pet to the point where the condition worsens.

The reader now knows more about the allergy drug dog organic based. Extensive research must be performed on any type of product that the person intends to apply to the skin of their household pets evaluated.

Reasons To Choose Natural Dog Allergy Remedies

These dogs have problems with itching and dry skin, scaly may be very unhappy. Getting to the skin from damage of various causes is difficult because most of the symptoms for most conditions are itching and irritation. However, the selection of natural remedies that allergy to dogs Dermagic, the dog may experience rapid relief and healing quickly.

Determination of the things that cause allergic dermatitis on the skin of your dog can be difficult, in fact, many of these things are common and are all around your house. Keep your dog away from these things can be difficult and in some cases impossible. However, identifying the source, you can work on keeping your dog healthy much easier.

These things that are classified as contact allergens can vary from grass, trees, grass and things like household cleaners. Many dogs have allergic reactions to flea bite one horrible, especially for the animals inside, which is normally free of fleas. Keep your dog free from allergic reactions to some of these things can be difficult, but when you have a hunter who Dermagic to relieve the symptoms of a reaction, will at least know the final result of contact with certain allergens will not be so bad .

Dogs who spend most of their time indoor allergens may be subject to those who come to solutions for cleaning carpets and other floor coverings, insecticides for household pests, mites same municipality. Detergents used for cleaning fabrics could be a reason for an allergic reaction in dogs. Choose only the cleaners and detergents that contain all natural ingredients for a pet healthier. The use of these types of products is best for you and your family.

Some of the most severe reactions and dangerous allergic from dietary sources. Indeed, this type of reaction that can be scary. Feeding your dog can have problems with it may contain wheat, soy or beef by products that can cause these reactions. Many manufacturers of high quality food for pets are working hard through research to identify the ingredients that cause allergic reactions and find ways to reduce them.

Cigarette smoke, smoke from wood fires, aerosol air fresheners, and produces a strong odor of cleaning can cause severe allergic reactions, sometimes in a dog. Keep your pet away from these things can be easier than some other allergens. I make a point to keep the dog away from smoke of any kind and use of natural products in the home. Try to avoid using any type of spray whenever possible. Inhalants can cause skin reactions, which will provide quick tour pets mess.

The use of products that work with your skin's natural functions in the dog is the best way to provide faster relief from itching and irritation that comes to skin reactions due to allergies. The use of products containing chemicals can make these conditions worse, particularly for severely irritated skin and sire. The use of natural ingredients Dermagic can help relieve symptoms and speed up the natural healing of your dog.

Dermagic contains a special blend of organically grown ingredients and pure, to complement the natural processes happening in the skin of dogs. By enhancing the healing that comes naturally, relief comes at a faster pace. Never use chemicals for the treatment of allergic dermatitis. Choose only remedies against allergies dog pure and natural products.

Important Facts About Dog Allergy Symptoms

All dog owners should know how to recognize symptoms of dog allergies. The same substances that trigger a hypersensitivity reaction in humans can also affect dogs. The reports of these reactions in humans and animals has increased. The substances are harmless by themselves. But in some people or animals are allergens.

Allergies do not occur with initial exposure. They develop over time. In some cases, this is the first exhibition. The immune system builds antibodies to oppose the next meeting with the responsible officer. The next contact, white blood cells called mast cells, allergen challenge. A substance called histamine is released and the onset of symptoms.

The most common response of humans to allergens affect the upper respiratory tract. In dogs, watery eyes and sneezing may occur. But the most common and serious skin disorders. They appear as redness, rashes and itching. As the animal scratches, bites, rub, and chew the affected areas, infection is likely. Hair loss may be the result of an infection, or intense scratching. hyperactive behavior may also be observed.

Atopic allergies are more common in dogs. It can be caused by airborne allergens. common elements, such as deodorants, dust, smoke, mold, pollen, etc., can cause allergies. Some veterinarians believe it is a combination of sources of air and skin contact. Presenting symptoms are the same with both sources.

Contact dermatitis, allergic contact may be grass, lawn treatments, carpets, plastics, or fabric. Any topical application, such as shampoo or scented cologne, can also cause dermatitis. Rash, swelling, redness, itching and cause more damage dog. Hair loss is often due to repeated scratching the dog tries to find help.

Dogs are not allergic to fleas. Flea saliva, however, contains a protein that is allergic. Those who are accustomed to flea bites can build a tolerance to it. Those who can not become allergic shortly after the first exposure. Bite becomes irritated and inflamed areas, and itching can be severe. Hair loss is not uncommon.

Food intolerance is not a food allergy. Intolerance usually causes flatus, diarrhea and vomiting. Allergies presented as signs of itching. chewing feet, scratching any body part is usually the demonstrations. Scooting on carpet or grass may indicate anal itching. Foods that often cause allergies are beef, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, cereals, and dairy products. Other foods can be toxic and lead to serious illness or death. Chocolate, raisins, grapes, and onions are some of them. For security reasons, you should refrain from providing feed table. Allergies can be caused by the dog food to eat animals is used. This is especially true with cheaper brands. Sometimes, even the high quality brands have caused allergic reactions.

Other conditions, such as sarcoptic mange, allergy symptoms can mimic the signs of normal dogs. This is caused by mites that get under the skin, causing itching and rash. Treatment should be with specific drugs that kill mites. cold bath may temporarily relieve the discomfort of many skin.

What To Do When Your Canine Is Suffering From Dog Skin Allergies

When your dog allergies dog skin or other skin conditions, there are signs Tell-Tale, the creaking of a certain area of their body abnormally long periods of time. Like us, dogs can have allergies and the only way that can offer help to zero. They do not realize they may be making things worse. Now you can help

The first thing you need to do is find out why they are so good scratch. Move fur how to inspect the affected area, where they seem to be more scratch and search for signs of dog skin allergies such as dry skin, bite marks, rash or other irritation . This is essential to determine what to do to end the suffering of his dog.

If you find fleas look for signs of flea bites, you need to flea. It will also give the dog a bath with special shampoo. Getting rid of fleas and keep up with drugs to keep them away will provide ongoing support for your dog.

If the chips are not suitable, you must find the culprit. It should be relatively easy to determine the cause of your allergy canine observing their activities and reduce the possibilities of deduction. It could be something they eat, something to touch, or something spilled on them. However, it is much easier to stay away because of their allergies than keep the treats.

If you determine that your dog has a reaction to a certain type of irritants, can you give the dog a bath with a shampoo or detergent. Better the irritated area clean, which should provide some relief. It will not completely relieve their symptoms.

In mild to moderate skin irritation can be mitigated in creams and sprays cons. You can find these animals in many stores and other shops. If the allergy appears to be far worse, should not, perhaps, to a veterinarian to be examined more and better drugs prescribed topical or oral.

Changes to your diet can have an impact on the animals of their allergies. Try including vitamin supplement to steal food and fur. You should take this into account, even if they suspect that allergy is not related to what they eat. Not only will that help compensate for dry areas and rashes, to promote a healthy coat. Supplements are available in most pet stores.

On the rare occasions when your dog has severe reactions, life threatening, you need to get them to a veterinary emergency facility immediately. These symptoms often include difficulty breathing, swelling of salivation (especially of the face and feet), excessive, and loss of consciousness. Generally, allergies are caused by deadly vaccines and medicines.

Like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. I do not want them to suffer, so there are things you can do to relieve allergies dog skin. Just to be able to locate and treat the affected areas.

Some Types Of Dog Skin Problems

The health of an animal is represented by the quality of her skin. indicate poor quality, generally, another more serious problem underneath. dog skin problems can have many sources. These include pests, fungi, bacteria or yeast infections, and various forms of allergies. If significant changes in the external health of an animal is detected, a professional should be consulted. Leaving conditions untreated can further compromise the welfare home and the infection to other pitches, including humans.

dog skin problems are detected by simple observation. If a dog licks frantically scratch or chew often, these are tell tale signs something is wrong. Another wore a animal behavior to see his discomfort is friction mats or furniture. Such behavior would signal to owners that a closer look at their pet is necessary.

Scabs, bald patches, scaly patch wounds or skin rashes are the symptoms that warrant notification of a veterinarian. Other symptoms include severe pressure, redness, swelling, pus, discoloration or chips on an animal. Each of these causes may be multiple, and it is better if an animal is tested by a qualified professional.

Guilty may be harmful. Flea bites can cause irritation or feces. the saliva of fleas can also cause allergic reactions in some animals. Sometimes the method of removal chips and worse. Some types of sprays, powders and flea collars, while toxic to fleas, can also affect unwanted pets.

Different types of infections can occur on the surface of the skin. These yeast infections can be bacterial or fungal in nature. Fungal infections impetigo. This leads to several scaly patches, irritation and hair loss. This type of infection should be treated as soon as possible. It is very contagious and can be connected to other animals and humans. Yeast or bacterial infections indicate other problems are present. They are generally issues only when the skin is damaged due to other causes.

Allergies also affect the health of skin. Allergies can thrust due to irritants in the air naturally. Pollen, dust, mold or grass can cause unpleasant side effects while a pet. Typically, symptoms improve or worsen with the change of seasons. Because food allergies are common sources. Usually chicken ingredients, soy, beef, wheat or corn-based pet causes more problems. Some additives, including food coloring, can be aggravating, too.

Problems can be behavioral in nature. Dogs are required fruits themselves may be continuous or lick their body. This can also be a symptom of a deep sense of boredom. Dogs should be allowed to exercise daily and have a lot of attention to ensure that both are happy and healthy.

Most of these problems can be avoided. A method of prevention is to only use products appropriate dog a dog. A hypoallergenic diet ensure that animals receive a nutritious and healthy, without artificial ingredients or unnecessary. Dogs must live in a quiet, clean and quiet, to limit the stress level and to discourage the proliferation of parasites. A veterinarian can offer suggestions on how to prevent further infestation of parasites.

Food Allergies In Dogs

Together with our little dog, just a lot of responsibility. We are more than happy to take routine medical examinations and our spoil a loved one, with the care of dogs. It is sad spectacle to see our beloved dog is going through a trial in the case of allergies and other diseases. Allergies are very common in dogs. However, only 10% of them can be attributed to food allergy. The most common allergies and respiratory allergies are flea bites. In canines, the skin is the first to respond to any type of allergy. excessive hair loss, itching, red skin patches and bald patches on the skin are common symptoms of allergy. For proper treatment is very important to diagnose the exact cause of the allergy.

Food allergy or food intolerance?
Food intolerance is often confused with food allergy. food allergy symptoms of allergy that shows skin problems and itching true. Food intolerance is an inability to digest the ingredients while illegal food allergy is the body's response to the offending ingredients. Food intolerance is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, etc. However, like food allergies and food intolerances can be cured with little change in diet.

Cause food allergies
Studies have shown that certain ingredients in dog food are more likely to cause allergies than others. The most common offenders of dog food include beef, dairy, chicken, wheat, chicken eggs, corn and soybeans. Curiously it is the most common ingredients in dog food. Some properties of dog foods rich in protein antigens are little more than others and the incidence of allergic reactions is proportional to the amount of exposure. Therefore, eating the same food for years is the main cause of food allergies in dogs. To fight against food allergies several companies have introduced a system of lamb and rice. There was nothing special about the diet of lamb and rice, except it was not food for hounds. The animals consumed this diet before and have not developed an allergy to this time. If animals continue to eat this diet for a long time will finally pass allergic to it as well.

Diagnosing food allergies
The diagnosis of food allergy is difficult because many other problems can cause similar symptoms. It is also possible that the animal suffers from more of a problem. It is extremely important that all other problems are identified and treated before being diagnosed with food allergy. Atopy, intestinal parasite hypersensitivity, allergies to flea bites, scabies and yeast or bacterial infections can cause symptoms similar to food allergies. Once all other causes have been excluded or treated, a feeding process can be realized.

Elimination diets and provocative testing
A study of food to feed consists of an innovative source of food protein and carbohydrate for 12 weeks. A new food source must be a protein and carbohydrate that the animal has not eaten before. An example of a new food source and rice as rabbit, venison and potato or duck and rutabagas. These plans are at home, but several new trading arrangements are also available. Whatever the system used must ensure that it is the only thing the animal eats for 12 weeks.

Blood Testing
Blood tests such as RAST or ELISA test can be performed to diagnose food allergies. In addition, a skin test can also be made. Although these tests are conducted regularly and used as a diagnostic aid, there is no evidence that these tests are reliable for diagnosis of food allergies. process of food aid is only effective for the diagnosis of food allergy.

Treatment for food allergies
After the dog has been diagnosed with food allergies, the necessary amendments should be made in her diet. The system is most often recommended for dogs with food allergies is a novel protein diet. It contains a protein source the dog has not eaten before.

Potential of new proteins include:
Fish (eg salmon)
The most useful information while selecting a diet for a dog is a list of dog food eaten in the past. Knowing your dog protein has already been exposed to can help determine which foods to choose for a food process.

Diets high in protein hydrolyzed for dogs with food allergies
Diets high in protein are hydrolyzed diets in which protein synthesis was reduced. The basic idea of the diet is a source of protein hydrolysates in food proteins that are small enough for the dog's immune system does not recognize fragments of protein allergy. This might work well for some dogs with food allergies, but not all. process food is the only way to determine if the protein hydrolysates will be effective for a dog.

homemade meals for dogs with food allergies
Many dog owners prefer table food animals during the studies. Care must be taken that these tables contain a novel protein source the dog has not eaten before. A source of carbohydrates such as rice or sweet potatoes can also be added to the table. If the process is successful and the house diet foods should be pursued, it is important to ensure that food is well balanced to provide all the nutrients a dog needs to maintain good health.

Like us, our pets also get bored eating the same food every day. It is therefore necessary to introduce the necessary changes in the diet of our dogs to help them lead a healthy life.

Home Remedies For Dog Allergies

dog allergies can be defined as a hypersensitivity to exposure to allergens. Allergic reactions are caused by immune responses of the dog in the fight against foreign particles such as pollen, dust, household dust, grass and other particulates. Although most dog allergies are due to inhalation of the allergen (allergic contact), triggering factors include bacterial infection, food allergies and allergies to fleas.

dog allergy symptoms and diagnosis

Most dogs show symptoms of skin allergy. Therefore, canine skin diseases are important indicators of allergies in dogs. Other symptoms of dog allergies are more or less similar to canine nasal problems. The signs and symptoms other than eye irritation include runny nose, red and itching, coughing, sneezing and wheezing. Some dogs suffer from ear infections, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, due to allergic reactions.

Dogs in the age group 3-5 years are at greater risk of developing allergies. dog allergy diagnosis is based on symptoms, physical examination and laboratory tests such as blood tests and stool analysis. After diagnosis, the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, antihistamines, steroids, corticosteroids and other medications. For management of diseases of the skin, ointments and medications are recommended shampoo. In addition, you can also opt for home remedies effective for dog allergies.

Home remedies for dog allergies

Home remedies for dog allergies may vary depending on the type of allergy. For example, food allergies can be treated by diet changes and / or avoid dog food that are responsible for causing the problem. contact allergy, on the other hand, can be overcome by limiting exposure to the source.

If severe itching and scratching the dog show, chances are that the animal suffers from an allergy to fleas. For treatment of flea allergy, bathroom pet using drugs tearless shampoo diluted with warm water. Rub the solution to all the body parts of dogs, except the nose, eyes and mouth. Massage well to eliminate fleas hidden in fur. Bathroom animal regularly, at least once a week to get rid of fleas.

Allows dogs allergic to stay in a large tub filled with water and soap. This will help kill fleas by drowning them. Another effective remedy for flea allergy is to add 1 teaspoon dried rosemary to a quart of boiling water. Let stand for 15 minutes and remove leaves from rosemary. Use this massage rosemary extract water allergic dogs after a bath. The same procedure can be followed with a handful of oatmeal.

Flea allergies can also be treated using a solution of apple cider vinegar mixed with water in equal proportion. Rub the dog's skin with this solution allows to reject the chips. Maintain good hygiene is also very important for the good health of the dog. dog bedding should be washed and dried each week. Lawn and garden, should also be kept clean to prevent fleas. Establish a transparent plastic sheet on the contact area will help control your dog's favorite dog "with fleas.

Crush about 1-2 cloves of garlic and add the dog's diet. Taste rejection of flea help garlic. If your dog is allergic to food additives, replacing them with other foods for healthy dogs. nutritional supplements for dogs with flaxseed oil and salmon oil will help stimulate immunity against contact allergens. Following these simple remedies page will help combat allergies and dogs to keep your pet healthy and playful.

Allergies In Dogs

Owning a dog, I know exactly how it feels to see my dog suffering from illness or discomfort. Not only are anxious to know what caused the disease, you and your pet to get rid of him as soon as possible. One of the main causes of stress in dogs may be allergic. Most dogs are prone to skin allergies, food allergies or food intolerance, allergies caused by vaccinations or medications and allergies. skin allergies in dogs and other substances in the environment are generally of two types, namely. seasonal and year-round. These allergies caused by different allergens are difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar. Therefore, a diagnosis of allergy precise and accurate is required to treatment. Different types of allergies in dogs with symptoms, causes and treatment are discussed below.

Skin allergies

Allergic contact dermatitis: This occurs as a result of an overreaction dog skin to certain substances in the environment. Substances that could cause this type of allergy medication applied to grass carpet of the skin, rubber and wool, metals and chemicals.

Symptoms and Diagnosis: This type of allergy is characterized by small bumps or lesions appear in areas such as abdomen, back, legs, mouth, etc. They seem to be red and itchy. They can be diagnosed by physical examination. To identify the allergen, the dog is kept away from possible allergens and observed or a "patch test" is conducted.

Treatment: The most effective treatment of allergic contact dermatitis is to keep pets away from the allergen. Antihistamines and topical shampoos can also be used to control itching.

Flea allergic dermatitis: This is a common allergy among canines and it appears as a sensitive reaction to flea bites. Antigens in flea saliva that causes allergic reactions and it is a seasonal allergy.

Symptoms and Diagnosis: When dogs develop an allergy, they bite the end of their tail and scratch frequently. With the presence of fleas, hair loss and intense redness at the bite of fleas can be seen. Itching may persist for hours or days. A method called skin test is used for diagnosis.

Treatment: Flea allergy dermatitis can be treated using flea products such as shampoos, powders and sprays, which not only kills fleas but also prevents them from entering the dog's skin. Environmental dog must also be treated with products that kill and repel fleas.

Food allergy or food intolerance

Food allergies are common among related dogs who represents about 5-10% of allergies in dogs. A dog is not born with allergies to foods, but develops due to a hypersensitivity to certain foods. Common allergens such allergies are protein-rich foods like meat, enriched chicken, eggs, soy, etc.

The symptoms and diagnosis symptoms of food allergies are common because of skin allergies, for example, itching, redness or inflammation of the lesions, etc., whereas a food intolerance symptoms are gastro-intestinal in nature such as diarrhea and vomiting. Sometimes both of these symptoms may appear. The diagnosis of food allergy is difficult because the symptoms are similar to those of other allergies. Usually, the diagnosis involves the administration of a regime called the elimination diet. An elimination diet with protein and carbohydrates, which was administered in dogs before, for 12 to 16 weeks. Then, the animal is returned to its original plan, it is demonstrated to reduce or eliminate symptoms. If, after the return to food, the symptoms recur, as it is confirmed that the diagnosis of food allergy.

Treatment: food allergies in dogs are managed by avoiding foods or food ingredients that cause allergic reactions.

Allergy and atopy

This type of allergy is caused by inhaling allergens such as dust mites, pollens and molds. This is a seasonal allergic rhinitis, but may also develop in an entire year. This allergy is also caused by genetic factors.

Symptoms and Diagnosis: Atopy is characterized by itching, severe scratches and bites in areas of the body like the armpits, legs, groin, etc. lead to hair loss, redness and injuries and can be easily diagnosed.

Treatment: treatment for allergies or atopy inhaled allergens include avoidance, antihistamines and steroids. including the use of topical anti-itch shampoos, sprays, etc., is also an effective method.

Immunizations and allergy medications on the

Sometimes, canines tend to develop allergic reactions to vaccines and drugs used as stimulants. They can be mild or severe reactions. slight reaction is known as hives, and severe is known as anaphylaxis.

The Hives: The symptoms of this type of allergy include skin reactions PF, such as hives and rashes on the face of the dog, face and underarms severe skin causing itching and swelling of tissues around mouth and throat. This must be immediately treated with antihistamines and cortisone.

Anaphylaxis: Symptoms are characterized by sudden difficulty in breathing, convulsions, diarrhea and vomiting and swelling of bronchial and tracheal tissues. This allergic reaction can be deadly and immediate veterinary assistance should be consulted.

As dog owners, it is our responsibility to ensure our pets receive proper treatment, if she suffers from an allergy of the above or any other disease. Being aware is another measure taken to provide them with love and care they truly deserve!

Skin Allergy In Dogs

Skin allergies in dogs can be caused by substances such as pollen, mold, bites the dust, etc. can also be caused by eating poisonous food and old like chocolate, macadamia nuts, yeast dough , etc. Some dogs are allergic to seasonal or inhalation of substances that cause unwanted spores, dust mites, etc. Sometimes, allergies occur overnight, for no apparent reason. The bacterial and yeast infections can also cause skin allergies.

Symptoms of skin allergies in dogs

Symptoms include skin allergy in dogs
Hair Loss
Body odor
Dry, scaly skin
And swelling welts on the skin
Swelling of the whole body
Skin inflammation
Skin lesions
Thickening of the skin
Dry skin
skin disease such as to ring
Worms are attracted to the wound formed due to allergy
Nasal or eye discharge
dog's head on the ground friction
The development of cigar-shaped arachnids
Constant itching and licking
Types of skin allergies in dogs

Skin allergies in dogs are generally classified into five types:

Food Allergies: It is caused by eating toxic foods such as cookies and also, where is given the same food for months. Nearly 10% of allergies Dog food allergies. It is mainly found in dogs whose ages ranged from 2 to 6 years. Food is the most important aspect of maintaining the welfare of a dog.

Atopy Allergies: It is caused mainly due to absorption and inhalation of chemical reactions in air. To avoid allergic dogs, medium sized dog must be kept clean. This allergy is the second most common allergy in dogs.

Flea allergies: flea allergies are caused when blood is taken from dog insects. the saliva of fleas can also affect the skin and cause allergic dogs. One bite is enough to cause flea allergy. Dogs whose ages ranged from 3 to 5 years are mainly affected by allergies to fleas.

Contact allergy: contact allergies are caused when a dog comes into contact with a substance that is allergic. Signs of allergy begins usually handles a period of 24-48 hours after contact with harmful substances that increase, mites, etc. Contact allergies are mainly developed in areas where dog hair is not dense.

Allergies Bacteria: There are non-communicable diseases caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, also known as staph. Bacteria fundamental sign of allergy is itching. If neglected, itching persists and can become serious. Many bacteria live on the body of a dog, and they are not dangerous as the dog's body is resistant to these drugs. They have a negative effect when the immune system becomes weak dogs. The blood test must be done to determine which bacteria attack dog.

Cure for skin allergies in dogs

Proposed solutions are different for the different allergies that dogs suffer. Some of them are:
If a dog suffers from food allergies should be food only once a day, which helps in the detoxification process. Foods such as cookies and corn should be strictly avoided. The dog must be given appropriate medication and pills to heal more quickly and should also be given adequate hydration.
Dogs that allergies develop red spots, bald spots, hot spots, etc. To alleviate these stains, apply a mixture of Melaleuca (tea tree) oil and water.
Natural menthol ointment is also a good remedy for stains.
Pete can be cured by applying a mixture of aspirin and a teaspoon of alcohol.
If the allergy persists, a visit to the vet is a necessity.
Home remedies for dog allergies are also very useful
Precautions to avoid skin allergies in dogs

Precaution is always better than cure. With a few precautions, a dog can always be healthy, and can be kept away from skin allergies. Some of them are listed below:
A cold bath for 10 minutes is a way to keep your dog clean.
Another way is to keep the dog away from insects and fleas.
Avoid contact with harmful substances and allergens.
Feeding your dog proper nutrition and nutritional supplements is a necessity.
With proper care and food, a dog can be a blessing to us and can also become an integral part of our family.